Please vote for us to receive a community grant at Tesco .

We are delighted to have been chosen to be one of the charities in this year’s Tesco Community Grants Scheme. Voting is now open and customers in all the local Tesco’s will now be able to vote for Unique Kidz and Co until January 2023.

About the Grant

At the end of the period, the charity with the highest number of votes will receive £1,500, second place will receive £1,000 and the third place will receive £500. We have decided to use whatever money we receive to provide disabled children with healthy snacks and the opportunity to make their own healthy meals along with some new cooking equipment to help them in the kitchen!

Where you can vote.

Here are the stores where you can vote for us;

  • Tesco Express, Heysham West End, LA3 1DA
  • Tesco Express, Heysham Village, LA3 2DH
  • Tesco Superstore, Carnforth, LA5 9LD
  • Tesco Express, Lancaster King Street, LA1 1RE

To check the location of any of the above stores, please go to the Tesco website here:

What you need to do.

To vote, you will need to make a purchase within store of any value. You will receive one token per transaction and it’s not necessary to purchase a carrier bag in order to receive a token.

As you exit the store there will be a receptacle with three slots, one for Unique Kidz & Co and for the other charities. Choose the cause you would like to support and vote by dropping your token into the right slot. You can vote as many times as you like, after every purchase.

So next time you are popping into Tesco, please ask for a token and vote for Unique Kidz and Co as you leave, thank you!