Adrienne’s Skydive

Our supporter Adrienne is taking to the skies to raise money for her son, Harry, and the other young disabled people that come to Unique Kidz and Co. We sat down with Adrienne to learn more about the skydive, her motivations and her recommendations to anyone wanting to follow in her footsteps!

Why are you jumping out of a plane for Unique Kidz and Co?

My little boy Harry is my absolute world and he is a unique kid. He was diagnosed with autism and developmental delay very young and we found there’s a real lack of support and resource out there for kids like him. Having a child with an invisible disability is challenging in so many ways but Unique Kidz have provided the support we needed and will continue to need for many more years. I decided to do this sky dive as a way of giving something back, and it was the only challenge I could come up with that wasn’t physical (you won’t catch me doing a marathon!).

What are you looking forward to most/least about the skydive?

I couldn’t be looking forward to it any less if I tried. I’m absolutely terrified of heights so I’m trying not to think about it as much as possible! But I am seeing it as a challenge and pushing myself for a good cause.

How have you found the fundraising experience?

It’s actually quite scary putting your story out there and waiting to see if people donate. I was really worried that people wouldn’t get behind me at first but when I started to see the donations coming in, it was such an amazing feeling. I work for Ecclesiastical Insurance who will double any donations I receive which is a massive bonus!

What would you say to anyone considering fundraising for Unique Kidz and Co?

Its a great feeling knowing what a difference you can make. You don’t need to do something crazy or raise tonnes of money to make a difference, it all adds up. If you’re considering it, please just take the plunge and do it, for all those kids that need a place to be themselves and for all those parents who need support

Check out Adrienne’s fundraising as she gets ready to jump, here.  

Do you want to take to the skies for Unique Kidz and Co? We are planning a group jump for early 2025. To register your interest, please email us.